"A Carpenter's Prayer" FAQ

Where is A Carpenter's Prayer playing?
Theaters playing A Carpenter's Prayer can be found on the official A Carpenter's Prayer Theaters page.
When is A Carpenter's Prayer being released in the U.S.?
A Carpenter's Prayer is now in theaters!
Is A Carpenter's Prayer available on DVD/Blu-ray?
A Carpenter's Prayer is not yet available on DVD or Blu-ray.
What is A Carpenter's Prayer rated?
A Carpenter's Prayer is currently unrated - Some material may not be suitable for very young children.
Where can I buy group tickets to see the A Carpenter's Prayer movie?
Please fill out the A Carpenter's Prayer group tickets form and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
Who made A Carpenter's Prayer?
The A Carpenter's Prayer movie was written and directed by Matt Webb, and produced by Lance Clark and Matt Webb in conjunction with Forester Film and Huntington University..
Who is distributing A Carpenter's Prayer?
Film distribution for A Carpenter's Prayer is being handled in the U.S. by Atlas Distribution.
What is A Carpenter's Prayer about?

A Carpenter's Prayer follows a desperate pastor who hires a washed-up singer to build a new church and the preacher's kid with a gift for music who trades secret guitar lessons for hiding the man's drinking. Inspired by a true story.

Who stars in A Carpenter's Prayer?
A Carpenter's Prayer features an amazing lineup including:
  • Stephen Baldwin
  • Bethany Anne Lind
  • David Bianco
  • Alicia Kelley
  • Reed Schwieterman
  • Jeff Dernlan
How can I stay up-to-date on A Carpenter's Prayer?
To stay up-to-date on the latest A Carpenter's Prayer news, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and be sure to sign up for the official A Carpenter's Prayer newsletter.
I still have questions about A Carpenter's Prayer... now what?
Still have questions about A Carpenter's Prayer? Contact us now.

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